Business Coach for Sustainable Business
I’ve always been someone who cares about doing the ‘right’ thing. In recent years I care more and more. I find myself questioning the choices that I am making as a consumer, asking myself “If I say yes to this – what are the other consequences?”
I can no longer ignore the bigger impact that I’m having (or not having, depending on how you look at it), and it’s inevitable that this is spilling over into my business. You see I help businesses grow. I enjoy helping businesses achieve their dreams, and get their businesses into better shape. The thing is, with my focus finely set on helping others, I lost a little sight of my own agenda. My own agenda has always been to be happy and to make a difference.
As I started waking up to the differences between businesses when it came to ethical business practice, environmentally sustainable business practice, fairtrade and so forth – it hugely affected my behaviour as a consumer. It is now affecting my behaviour as a business owner. I realise that I need to be making MORE of a difference. Not just a difference to the particular business owner I am helping. Also to the world at large. It doesn’t even feel like it’s a choice, more like a calling to focus my attention on helping the kind of businesses that I want to see flourish. Those who have a strong sustainability conscience and want to do what’s best for Mother Earth and all physical beings who live off her.
I’m really pleased to say that I don’t have any clients who are doing the ‘wrong’ thing at the moment, and I will be keeping a close eye on the new clients that I take on, ensuring that there is no harmful practice within their business. What I feel passionately about doing now, is focusing my attention on helping you businesses who are actively engaged in, and passionate about, doing good. Working with you as your business coach. Helping you to grow and flourish, and helping you to turn the growth you have already seen into something sustainable. Deploying, of course, only ethical practices in pursuit of this success.
I am so excited by this new focus. If you are a sustainable business and want to know more about how Business Coaching could help you in your business I do a free business review over Skype (of course – we won’t be driving to meet up). Just get in touch to arrange yours.
Want to know more about how I can help? Drop me a line or give me a call. A successful coaching relationship depends upon a great rapport, so it’s important to talk. I want to get to know you, see inside your world and we can assess how we’d go from there!