Tag: self doubt

Living Intentionally

Living Intentionally Do you start each day with a clear purpose? A clear idea of who you are and how you want to show up that day?  Or do you just sort of get up and get on with it? I first came up with the idea of Living Intentionally as a kind of antithesis to... Read more

Creating a Life You Love

Creating a Life You Love When I first set out on my journey to become a life coach, I thought that the primary reason people would choose to work with me would be in order to create a life that they love. I expected that that would be through changing their career, or... Read more

Self Doubting Thoughts

Self Doubting Thoughts Self doubting thoughts pop into your head, just like any other randomly occurring thoughts are capable of doing.  Like “I wonder what I’d eat for breakfast if I did Keto?” or “I could just walk out of the shop with this, no one would notice” or... Read more