Tag: time management

Being At Capacity With Life

Being At Capacity With Life Stop The World - I Want To Get Off! Does it feel like life is zoom past at an alarming rate?  Like you are at maximum capacity already.   Or maybe you are OVER capacity!?  You feel frazzled, stressed, burnt out.  And there is no sign of it... Read more

Why can’t we all stick to schedules?

You know that bit of you that doesn’t like being told what to do?  I know it well, it’s a part of the reason I’m self-employed.  Well do you think that part of you likes being told what to do by YOU anymore than it likes being told what to do by anyone else?  Could... Read more

Time Management Skills

Running a Time Management Skills workshop and it overruns slightly.  Worst work day ever?  Actually, no.   It was an hour’s workshop in a 1hr 15 minute time slot, and the ideas that the group were coming out with were too good for me to cut it short. To me, this... Read more