Organisation Immersion

Paradigm shifting immersion workshop for your company…

Imagine if the individuals in your organisations worked without the limitations applied by the Ego.  If your leadership team and your key staff knew a fundamental truth that makes everything look different.  This is Business Consulting with a difference.  Instead of teaching teams tools and technics to help them navigate the external world of stress and pressure, we explore within, to a different understanding of the self.  An understanding from which changed behaviour happens automatically.

The implications of this shift in understanding often include:

  • Improved relationships 
  • No blame culture
  • More motivation and energy
  • Increased creativity and better problem solving
  • Improved mental and emotional wellbeing

The recommended format for this immersion is a 2-day workshop, with a minimum of one half-day follow up within a month.

It is suitable for everyone within your organisation, but you may choose to start with your leadership team.  These workshops can be held on-site or off-site – according to your preference/budget.  A residential retreat approach is highly beneficial and can be organised. 

Shorter group sessions are available, along with 121 Coaching by the hour.  The Organisation Immersive Workshop is the recommended approach.

Vicky Kelly is one of the most insightful, supportive, and authentic coaches/colleagues I’ve worked with. And the inside-out understanding she teaches is invaluable. That’s why a two-day workshop with Vicky is a must. It provides the time and space for you to experience realisations that will last a lifetime.

Garret Kramer

Author of "Stillpower" and "The Path of No Resistance"

Want to know more about how I can help? Drop me a line or give me a call. A successful coaching relationship depends upon a great rapport, so it’s important to talk. I want to get to know you, see inside your world and we can assess how we’d go from there!