True Self Love

Dec 10, 2024 | Executive Coaching, Personal Development

My wonderful nearly 5 year old daughter is the best teacher I have ever had.  She shows me real life examples of the concepts that I teach in my work as a life coach.  Last week, it was the definition of self love, which I saw from the perspective of a parent who realised she loved her daughter more as a result of a display of behaviour I would rather have avoided.

As a parent, it’s easy to idealise certain behaviour, or to wish our children were “more reasonable” about some of the disappointing events of their lives.  After one such event and a very strong emotional reaction that followed, I saw with absolute clarity the person she is and the pain she was in and actually, her behaviour was entirely understandable.  I knew that love her even more fiercely – and that she doesn’t need to change in any way to receive more of my love.  Seeing this side of her just reminds me how vulnerable she is and how difficult life can be for her to navigate.

And this applies to all of us.  We are all vulnerable.  We all carry emotional baggage.  We all act in less than ideal ways sometimes – because life can be difficult to manage.  We are all doing the best we can all things considered!

So don’t we as adults deserve the same level of unconditional love as my daughter?  Yes.  And do we give ourselves that same level of unconditional self love?  Ummm….
We often hear the words “self love” but they seem to coincide with a decision to rest, to treat ourselves, or to pat ourselves on the back about the things we are happy with.  But what about the other parts of us?  The bits that lurk in the shadows that we hope no-one else sees.  All of our mistakes, the bits where we feel lacking or ashamed.  If we loved all of those bits as fiercely as we love our children, our emotional health would be transformed!
That is True Self Love.  To love every single part of ourselves.  When we make a mistake, or something doesn’t go the way we want it to and we feel we could have done better, to say to ourselves:
“Even though I’m a bit disappointed about _______________, I still deeply and completely love myself”
This is the mission I am on now.  To bring awareness to the importance of loving all of ourselves, not trying to reach some unsustainable and unattainable version of perfection.
Who’s with me!?
For some, you are already on the road and know the importance of this, but could perhaps use a little help unpicking some of the conditioning and laying down new neural pathways of self love.
For others, true self love might be an entirely new concept to you.

Either way, I am here to help.  If you’d like to find out more, please book a free 121 discovery call, where we can assess how I can best help you learn to truly love yourself.

You are always okay wellbeing