True Self Love
As a parent, it’s easy to idealise certain behaviour, or to wish our children were “more reasonable” about some of the disappointing events of their lives. After one such event and a very strong emotional reaction that followed, I saw with absolute clarity the person she is and the pain she was in and actually, her behaviour was entirely understandable. I knew that love her even more fiercely – and that she doesn’t need to change in any way to receive more of my love. Seeing this side of her just reminds me how vulnerable she is and how difficult life can be for her to navigate.
And this applies to all of us. We are all vulnerable. We all carry emotional baggage. We all act in less than ideal ways sometimes – because life can be difficult to manage. We are all doing the best we can all things considered!
Either way, I am here to help. If you’d like to find out more, please book a free 121 discovery call, where we can assess how I can best help you learn to truly love yourself.